I picked up a copy of Let It Go for myself for Christmas {nope, didn't wrap it and wait though} I remember hearing the story on the news, the updates, seeing the Mormon Message about the story and every time I'd see or hear something about it I was initially amazed at what a spiritual giant Chris Williams is and then I'd almost immediately think "I wish he'd write a book" and I'm very grateful he did.
I read and cried through the book today, was initially planning on sitting at The Little Brick House reading for a while after DiAnna had to go back to work when I realized that I hadn't brought nearly enough tissues and I wasn't up for a public cry today. I just finished the book and am amazed at his resilience and faith. I've added him to my bucket list of people I'd like to spend an afternoon with that I'll likely never get to meet.
I had hoped to gain some insight on how to forgive so readily, but like most of my plans that's not what happened but I still sit in complete amazement at his ability to forgive. I closed the book realizing that I need to have more patience and acceptance with the Lord's plan for me and his time frame. There are things I hope and pray change, or that I have the appropriate opportunity to change, but having an acceptance of the Lord's time frame instead of mine is something I struggle with. I can be patient with a store clerk during a busy season {really, who goes to wal-mart the weekend before Christmas expecting it to be a quick trip?} but when I decide I want something or that something is a worthy goal I want it then.
I can call down to the blood bank with a hurried tone of voice and plead for the necessary blood products to be in my hands like 5 minutes ago and I know they are working as quickly as possible to make it happen. I'm not use to deciding that I want something to happen in my life and then having to wait patiently while moving forward. I want to be able to say "this is Heather and I need that done STAT, what can I do to help" and having it make a difference. Outside of the hospital STAT doesn't mean anything just like the listen to me and listen now tone doesn't mean much to anyone besides my kids.
Perhaps at this year I can be more patient and more accepting of the Lord's time table knowing that in the end everything will be as it is meant to be.
This is the Mormon Message "My Burden Was Made Light" that features Chris Williams and highlights his tragedy and forgiveness if you haven't heard anything about his story it's a good place to start.
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