Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring update

The forsythia blossoms are mostly spent, same with the Crabapple tree. 

While I was walking this evening you could smell spring in the air, it was heavenly--the only thing that would have been better is if Neil had been with me. 

Two of the three transplant hollyhocks are doing ok, and the hollyhock patch is thriving weeds and all. 

Tulips are in various stages, under the pine trees they are still buds and the parking strip they are just past prime but still beautiful. 

Alums are budding. 

Dandelions are gangbusters 

The bush by the forsythia is blooming well. 

Creeping phlox is starting to show off colors. 

The columbine hiding under the daffodils has a blossom too!

Lilacs are just starting to release their fragrance 

Wallflower is even blooming 

While watering I could see the hues in the East change giving promise of a beautiful sunset behind me so I went for a walk. 

Happy spring 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thoughts on General Conference

I again missed much of Conference Saturday and Sunday, so I'm reading, pondering and studying bit by bit. The talks I did hear on Sunday I didn't make any notes during, so far from my standard. While reading Boyd K Packard's talk on fasting I realized how much work and progress I need to make in fasting. For years I had reasons not to fast. Pregnant, nursing, too hard when you have kids to feed and so reasons turned into excuses.  

Then I had my big epiphany that wasn't about fasting at all. For decades I've sat through General Conference feeling inspired, uplifted, and spiritually fed but not once have I thought to set formal goals based on the inspiration received. This time I am going to write them down in the notes section of my Gospel library. Easy to link to the talk that prompted the goal and gather other references.

The first talk I read was President Thomas S Monson on Sunday morning. I loved this quote about temples. "Inside this sacred sanctuary, we find beauty and order. There is rest for our souls and a respite from the cares of our lives."  On our quick trip to St George and back Neil and I took a few minutes to walk around the temple grounds.  I truly do love to see the temple.  I snapped this picture and have been test running apps for photos so I tinkered and came up with this--it's going in my note for goals too, if I can add pictures that is. 
