I sometimes water down my posts, for different reasons. Sometimes that days events stirs up some very intense thoughts and while I'm writing they are even more intense. Definitely out of proportion for their part in my life. I often will write those posts then sit on them for a while. Other times I don't want to offend anyone {really, I don't -- I try to get along with people most of the time} and it creates me finding ways to word things delicately or tip toe around what I'm feeling. The past couple of weeks I haven't written because what I was feeling was very close to my heart and/or inflammatory to other people specifically.
Yesterday on FB {yup, heaven knows I'm not away from there for 2 weeks at a time} someone posted this meme.
The whole reason for me even having this blog is for me. Not to water down {for whatever reason} what I'm feeling. There are still times that caution is warranted, this is a public blog and things I skipped over in my I can do hard things post aren't things I want to put out there for the world to see, they're too close to my heart and too personal. I'm not going to post the less than charitable things about specific people -- if you can't say anything nice is a good rule to follow after all. My Valentine's Day post? Yeah, should have written it. My "will love make up for it" post that I was thinking of not posting today? Yup, plan on writing it later tonight.
There is something freeing in writing because you enjoy it not because you are trying to hit a word length {or having to shorten it to meet a minimum} and there is no fear of looking at a carefully thought out paper or poem coming back to you covered in red while the last minute typing it between classes so you can turn it in at 3 pm paper comes back with a glowing grade making you wonder why try so hard?
It's my blog, my thoughts, my feelings, my words and if you don't like it then you don't have to read it. I write for me, not so that you have something funny or entertaining to read. Yes I'd like to be funny, inspirational, and humorous but let's face it this is an unknown blog without a lot of traffic and it's safe to say that I'm not inspiring the masses by my posts and definitely not by my lack of posts because I'm unsure. I may even go back and write my "Dead Flowers and a Cactus" post -- it would at least be funny to those of us who were there.
I was brought up in a household where my mother never encouraged me to write anything down because if you write it.. your grandparents WILL FIND IT and read it. So I grew up paranoid to ever put my thoughts and feelings down on 'paper". The only writing I ever did was for teachers to read and judge. This whole writing for myself or even for others to read is new and scary to me but I am trying it. Maybe we can enourage each other and have a good time with it
ReplyDeleteI still have a lot to learn about how even post things the way I want them to look, that frustrates me a great deal as well.
The more you play the more you can get things to look how you want. I've been a writer -- a for me writer journals etc -- for a long time. Being LDS journal keeping is encouraged, valued, and to some extent expected. How to not turn this blog into a private journal is a fine line for me.
ReplyDeleteRichard G. Scott has a book and several talks where he mentions the importance of keeping pen and paper at your bedside because those early morning thoughts can be both fleeting and very important. My only early morning thoughts are "ugh, is that the alarm?" I do however keep pen and paper because I often have late night or middle of the night thoughts I like to write down.