Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Huh, turns out I'm not a teenager anymore

Important updates first.  I have heat!  

Church ball starts this week and while I was very excited about volleyball none of our girls were and it's hard to be excited about something for very long that no one else is.  There is a lot more excitement about basketball and while it's not my favorite sport or my best teenage girl excitement is contagious.  We got together tonight before Young Women's and scrimmaged.  Turns out I'm not 16, I'd forgotten how much running basketball entails, and wearing a sweatshirt and jeans {I'd just come from staff meeting} wasn't the best idea it was fun.

I know so very little about basketball {unless all there is to know is the ball is suppose to go in the hoop} it's not like I'm going to teach them much but we'll have fun.  Stake wide scrimmage tomorrow at 4.

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