Friday, May 10, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

This post is how I feel, about my experiences as a Mom. I do not and will not claim to speak for anyone else. 

One of the interesting things I have found as Mom is that you experience everything your kids do (or that they are willing to share with you) more intensely than you ever did when you went through similar things. In a heartbeat I'd face the two faced friends in middle school not only because I don't want my kids to have to deal with them but because it hurts more watching your kids. 

I never thought that I'd be willing to go through things I really dislike I place of my kids, but I can't count how many stomach viruses I've unsuccessfully wished on myself. 

The opposite is also true, there is so much joy to be found in watching your child work hard at something and then see that hard work pay off with success. Joy coupled with the hope they see the value in their hard work and dedication. 

Love gets redefined as a Mom, first in the delivery room when you hear the first cry and many times after. Sitting waiting for the specialists verdict at PCMC, again, because the first time all you remember hearing is "I don't know, we need to run more tests."  The love that comes with a Mother's prayer for her child's life changes the mother forever. 

Then come the Tweens and teens when you cherish the good moments and hold on for the rest often catching yourself thinking "it's a good thing I love you right now"  I promise that through all the frustration and boundary testing there is a deep love flowing even during the times you can't remember it. Tell your kids as often as possible that you love them, you care about them and their life. Even the teenage drama that they have to go through, when waters get rough it's important they know you are there for them when they need it. 

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