Monday, May 13, 2013


It just so happens that after my standard crazy day that follows an unplanned {and un slept for} shift has left me with some peace.  For right now, I know I'm doing okay.  Even if just for tonight, my house is filled with love and peace among the bickering and list of chores not yet done.

A long talk with a friend that I look up on a regular basis, several walks, an attempt at humor that turned worse {well, funnier?} than intended rolled into evening softball games.  I have got to figure something different out for dinner on softball nights, but we're finally all fed.  I sat on the swing at twilight for my favorite 15 minutes of the week wishing it could last longer.

Sitting and waiting for the girls tonight when I realized how much peace has followed me through today and I started to wonder how?  With all of life's current chaos and stress {including the really, really long list of things I can't do anything about and refuse to accept} and has difficult of a Mother's Day as yesterday was today has been  peaceful.  Some of it I can make sense of, I had two different conversations with amazing people -- but I often talk to them on really bad days and while I end up being encouraged and perhaps finding enough strength for just one more hour they don't turn my entire mood around.  Then the story Richard G. Scott tells in Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy about being troubled by something, turning to prayer and then taking a nap to wake up to peace.  Never having a similar experience I filed it away into my memory of "that's cool" where things sometimes get lost forever until today.

I can't remember the answer {yes, I know now what I'm reading tonight} but in response to the overwhelming peace Richard G. Scott asks how it is done.  I only remember the beginning of the story, not the end but will search for it tonight.  I'd say I'll come back and edit the information in, but I know better than to promise something like that.

I have had several friends on my mind today, some I've known less than a year but have been great to talk to and laugh with {even as I'm ignoring my oh so sore tailbone} others I've known longer, for as long as we've lived in Cedar and some friends from my childhood and high school years.  I truly am blessed with great friends during most of my life, I get far more from them than I give.  Games of hopscotch and jump rope have changed for playing "weed or flower" or being grateful that we're both too tired and too hot to go for a walk on the time we'd arranged to go walking and settle instead for sitting and chatting.  Local help is only a phone call away and slightly less tangible support lives inside my computer and has seen me through twice weekly weight checks, endless appointments, moving, Monday night hijinks and so much more. Thank you so much for the part you play in my life, I am grateful for all of my friends and the impact they have on my life.

It's just this side of tomorrow and I have laundry to switch over, a couch to reassemble, and a story to find.  I hope everyone can catch a moment of the peace I've had today.


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