Thursday, November 22, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude Day 22 -- Work

(picture to come later)

I am grateful for work.  Yes I'm {retro} posting this on Thanksgiving when I am required to work as a reminder to me that I am grateful for the opportunity to provide for my family.  The schedule isn't perfect, but honestly no matter what the schedule I'd always be missing something, little things at school the kids want me there for to things like working the holidays.  My gratitude extends beyond just having something that I can do to bring home a paycheck but something that I {usually} enjoy doing, coworkers that I look forward to seeing, and being able to take pride in my profession.

Beyond employment I am grateful for a healthy {?!?!?} body that allows me to work, to haul wood, care for the animals, wash dishes {did I really just say I'm grateful for washing dishes?  Nope, grateful I have a body that can -- important difference there} and work hard at playing hard.

P.S.  Picture will come, I just haven't gotten one yet and I wanted to catch up from my mini road trip without skipping.

P.P.S  Ha!  It let me change the date, unless you've been following in real time you'd never know I'm behind.  

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