Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I noticed this evening I've passed up 900 views.  Not bad for a blog that I write to no one and for myself, right?  I have been sharing my 30 days posts, but before that not much.  We'll see if I keep spamming FB with my posts or not, I haven't decided.  Part of me is curious about who's reading what I'm writing and if it's the same people or not {I highly suspect a lot of my readers are FB friends}

As the 30 days project draws to a close I've made a few observations.

  1. I stuck with it this year with just a little bumpy patch through Thanksgiving weekend when I was out of town.  
  2. I am nowhere near done being grateful -- I *am* grateful that if at the end of the day I realize I haven't taken a picture today it's okay I can still go to bed and not stress.  Today's snap of a picture that made me frustrated I didn't have the time or the light I needed made me realize how important it is to me that the images reflect my feelings.  
  3. I have really missed shooting.  I think it's a part of me that got lost for a while in the turmoil.
  4. This year feels worlds different than other Holiday seasons, kind of hard to explain but I'm going to sit back and enjoy it.
I really do shoot for myself and write for myself, a blog is just an easy place to think through my fingers {I noticed a blog titled that today, I don't know if I subconsciously stole it from them or not, but I do feel a twinge of guilt using it} I want to keep shooting, even through and around the barriers that block my way.  I'd really like my last few November posts to be strong but I don't have a clue yet what to do for them.

I am going to do a weekly gratitude post, it will give me more time to get a great image and hopefully have some meaningful words to go with it so don't fret -- I'll keep spamming you a little more.

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