Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Soooo tired

It's been a full, full day starting at the rental to check out some renters (anyone looking for a place to live?) then onto things I can't detail out just yet. Kaede wanted to do an Easter Egg hunt for Kaleb and Emmitt which I believe was more helpful with her having something to do. We sure do love those boys and Miss Ruby was so sweet today too. I've talked to tons of people, made lots of arrangements all while wearing painting clothes and looking a lot like I could use a hot bath and pampering. I didn't realize how rough I looked until I peeked in the mirror. Oh well, it is what it is.

I'm excited for tomorrow but already exhausted and I have cake to make still. And other stuff too. I've found it easy to slip into grumpy land today about having to do this on my own then I realize how many people are helping and then I'm just overwhelmed. 

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