Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Keeping Busy

The value of keeping busy is something I was taught growing up, along with a love of gardening. Fortunately for me the two go together very well. 

I'm putting a garden in over at Gromps' and it hasn't been gardened in forever. I remember being little and playing in the irrigation water but I don't know what it was watering. I don't remember much back there after Grommie died either. It has been growing rocks wonderfully. 

There are some amazing neighbors over there who are great helps. It does make things a little more tempting to move. {no I'm not going anywhere}. 

I was asked today how I can put a garden in with everything going on. It's easy, it keeps me busy and gives me a friend to confide in that I know won't tell anything I don't want shared and will never judge me. I wouldn't mind a two legged friend to keep me company sometimes over there, but what's new there?  

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