Thursday, August 8, 2013

Echo Chamber Meets Bouncy Ball

Today has been...interesting. One if those days at work that would be nice to come to some sympathy (and a foot rub if I'm wishing, maybe even dinner instead of being too tired for anything but a sandwich) instead of wound up dogs and teens excited about the Stake dance with a list of needs. 

My head keeps rerunning work and playing through tomorrow's to do list at top speed. Much like a hyped up bouncy ball in an echo chamber. 

Switching between day and night shift has really messed with my sleep schedule bringing crazy scary dreams. Not the kind with boogeyman and werewolves but the disturbing ones that could be true, and perhaps were at one point.   

I have another 90 minutes until I pick up a car full of girls from the dance and can even see what tonight's sleep brings. Maybe the bouncy ball will chill out a little. 

Edited to add:  I'd give up the listening ear, dinner, and foot massage if someone would have cleaned up after the dog that puked while I was picking up Charlet from the dance. Okay, not the listening ear but definitely dinner and foot massage. 

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