Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude Day 4 -- Charlet

Evening of Excellence is in just a few hours so I'm mentally gearing myself up for it through this post. Our first Evening of Excellence I was completely unprepared to see Charlet from a different perspective. When we had our family pictures done this year I saw Charlet differently in the pictures.  Older, more mature -- not my  little girl anymore.  Evening of Excellence does the same thing, gives me a preview of who she is becoming and where she can go and it's always been just a little more than I was prepared for.

This last year Charlet has done amazing things, she stepped up this summer while I was out from surgery and kept things going around here.  I know she was ready to be done by the time I could use my arm again, but I am so proud of her for standing up and doing what needed to be done.  She is a great big sister and through all the fighting and quarreling I've seen her stand shoulder to shoulder with her siblings when needed.  I could go on forever about how she amazes me every day with her energy and loyalty.  I love you Charlet.

30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 4:  Charlet

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